In This Rebirth, There is Only Death
For those with a careful eye on our site or a careful ear on our stream, you may have noticed that we have some new music to share with you. The name on the tracks isn’t one you would recognize from anything previously on our playlist, but the voice you hear might be one that’s familiar to those of you who have been with us a while. And for those paying close attention to the lyrics of the new songs we’ve played, you might have noticed that they’re just a tad bit darker than they were before.
ThouShaltNot has lived up to its name, and decided its former form shall not be with us any longer. Aaron Fuleki and Alex Reed have decided a rebirth is in order, and Seeming has been unleashed on the world today in their new album – appropriately titled ‘Madness & Extinction’.
Now, when a band re-invents itself, it’s often you hear that the new group came from the ashes of the old. However, I don’t think that’s quite the best way to describe the transition here, so I’ll use a slightly modified metaphor. Seeming is a re-imagining that goes into the ashes. And for the people who share our tastes, that’s very good news.
Every track on the new album paints a darker picture as you listen, of a world diving off the edge of sanity and straight into the aftermath that is the end of everything. You’ll find that the music and the lyrics go together to paint us the faded brushstrokes of the apocalypse. My only wish is that I could see the picture more clearly.
“The bombers have been sighted over Paris, So now it’s just a question of how long. And Pittsburgh, we’ll remember you, And farewell Buenos Aires, And no one’s left to see the fires in Hong Kong.”– Goodnight London (Seeming)
If you’re looking to find a rainbow of hope, or if you’re looking for something that’s both moving and motivational, you’re probably looking in the wrong place with Madness & Extinction. But, if you like to let your eyes drift off into the darkness from time to time, then you’ve come to the right place. There’s a number of tracks on the album that should help you feel right at home… in that dark, twisted world you live in.
And for those wanting something more cheerful… this… this isn’t it.– Alex Reed (Facebook)
Head over to our music page on Seeming for more info on their new venture, along with links to purchase their new album and to put in requests for them on our station.
Let us know what you think.
Featured Image Courtesy of Seeming (Tumblr). Sample Songs Courtesy of Artoffact Records (SoundCloud).